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Brother Printer Driver Solutions MFC-J775DW XL

Brother Printer Driver Solutions MFC-J775DW XL

On this page, you will find Brother Printer drivers solutions MFC-J775DW XL for your MAC and Windows computer. You just need to click on the download button to get the latest and updated drivers for the Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer. Once you click on the download button it will open a page where you can select your operating system and download the latest drivers for Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer.
When you hit on the download button it will open the brother solutions official page, you need to select your operating system like Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer driver for MAC or Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer driver for windows. Once you click on the download button it will download drivers on your computer, you need to open that file. If you connect the printer with USB cable it will set up your MFC-J775DW Brother printer automatically, to set up wireless printer follow the below instructions.
Brother MFC-J775DW XL WIFI Printer Drivers

Setup Brother Printer Driver Solutions MFC-J775DW XL WIFI on Windows or MAC

  1. Locate the WPS button on your WIFI router.
  2. Make sure your printer Brother MFC-J775DW XL assembled and turned ON.
  3. Open the downloaded file on your computer.
  4. Select the connect Brother Printer with WIFI connection.
  5. Follow the instructions on your computer screen.
  6. Once you see the option press WPS button, press that button on the router within 2 minutes.
  7. It will connect your printer with your computer, now you can use your Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer to take prints.
  8. Once your printer ready to print verify that with test print and enjoy printing.
  9. Now the last thing that you can align your print cartridges and that is for the first time only.
Note: Make sure your Brother MFC-J775DW XL printer and your Windows or MAC computer both are connected within the same Internet connection. The desktop computer connected to the internet thru LAN cable so you can’t install Brother MFC-J775DW XL WIFI printer drivers on them.